Thursday, February 24, 2011

Macaroons, Blonde or Chocolate

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Among my favorite dehydrated goodies are coconut macaroons! They are so yummy and really great for on-the-go snacks. This all goes according to taste, but they go something like this:

1 cup blended young coconut meat (optional)
1/2 cup coconut oil (optional)
1 cup agave nectar or raw honey (more or less to taste)
3 cups dehydrated almond meal (or something of that nature)
3 cups dried coconut (the good stuff, no additives)

These measurements are just approximate.You can use less almond meal, more coconut or vice versa--just go by taste and what you have on hand. You can add vanilla if you want. If you want chocolate, add about 1/2 cup raw cacao powder and increase the sweetener if necessary.

Now, I roll it out (or you can leave it in the fridge a few hours first), using some parchment paper between the dough and the roller to prevent sticking, or pat it out, to a thickness of about 1/3 to 1/2 inch and use a small round cookie cutter to cut. I carefully use a frosting spatula to lift the macaroons up and place them on the dehydrator tray and start dehydrating at a temp of about 105*.

This will take several hours. I check on them every so often, and take out any that seem to be getting done faster than the others. I like to take them out at different stages so I have some that are chewy, some that are crunchy. The chewy ones are wonderful, but the crunchy ones carry better.

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