Thursday, September 8, 2011

Raw Apple Chips

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Apple chips are one of the easiest raw food snacks to make, and great for taking on the road. Simply slice apples (you can go vertically for slices or cut cored apples horizontally for apple rings), and place them in a bowl of water with either sea salt, lemon juice, or both, for several minutes. Then remove and place on dehydrator trays. Try to keep from overlapping, as they will dry faster.

Put the dehydrator on a setting of 115* or lower in order to keep your snacks live. They should take a good day or two to dry out. How long you let them go is up to you. A shorter dehydrating time will produce a more leathery fruit snack, and a longer drying time will produce a crispy chip. Either way, they are D-Lish!

1 comment:

  1. Dodie, this all makes me want to go raw. Not naked, of course, the world will never be ready for THAT! But raw, you make it seem so plausible and enjoyable!
