Sunday, September 27, 2020

Guaco-Walnut Meat Tacos

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There's probably nothing I miss more when I give up cooked foods than tacos. But I don't miss them at all when I have these Guaco-Walnut Meat Tacos. I start with two green leaves of organic romaine, load up with guacamole, top with walnut meat taco mixture, and top with red pepper salsa. Nothing to miss with these. There's so much flavor. 

As usual, I don't really follow a recipe. I play it by ear and season by taste. But here are some approximates. I'll try to get a more precise recipe soon. 
  • Walnut meat: a few cups of walnuts, soaked in filtered water for about eight hours, strained, with chili powder, cumin, onion powder, and sea salt

  • Salsa: finely chopped or processed sweet red pepper, orange pepper, yellow pepper, onion, jalapenos, garlic, and lime juice.